
Thermoset Composite Parts for the Semiconductor Industry

Semiconductors, also known as microchips, power the modern world. Everything from smartphones to medical devices depends on semiconductors, and the semiconductor industry continues to grow. Companies that manufacture semiconductors must use materials that are strong, lightweight, have high dielectric strength, and are corrosion-resistant; and that’s where thermoset composites come into play. Atlas Fibre has North America’s largest inventory of thermoset composite materials ideal for use in the production of semiconductors.

Benefits of Thermoset Composite for Semiconductor Parts

The materials used to produce semiconductors must withstand the shaping and cutting process and resist corrosion due to chemical or moisture exposure. As manufacturing processes become more complex and as feature sizes become smaller, materials used must rise to the challenge of enabling the next generation of semiconductors.

Thermoset Composite Materials for Tomorrow’s Semiconductors

In semiconductor manufacturing, precision and reliability are paramount. Alas Fibre is at the forefront of precision plastic machining, offering tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs of semiconductor companies. Discover five reasons that leading companies in the industry choose Atlas Fibre as their trusted partner for fabricated thermoset plastic parts.

5 Reasons to Choose Atlas Fibre for Semiconductor Manufacturing

Uses of Semiconductor Composites

Composites have several uses in semiconductor manufacturing:

  • Glass-filled thermoset plastics: Lightweight and strong, glass-filled thermoset plastics are commonly used to produce chemical-mechanical-polishing pads. The process involves polishing semiconductor wafers to create a smooth, flat, defect-free surface.
  • Thermoset composites as insulators: Thermoset composites are often used in process chambers to provide vibration impending and insulation. They are used in process chambers, load-lock chambers, vacuum pumps and heat exchangers.
  • Thermoset composites as filters: Other uses of thermoset composites in semiconductor manufacturing include end-of-line filters to trap particulates and reduce contamination in water-wash systems and wafer-handling equipment.

Thermoset Composite Materials for Semiconductors

Atlas Fibre is the leading supplier of thermoset composite material for the semiconductor industry, with the largest selection and stock of inventory available in the United States.

Our 120,000-square-foot warehouse, centrally located in Illinois, contains inventory worth $8 million and has partner facilities in Hyderabad, India, and Massachusetts, US containing $4 million worth of raw materials.

With machine-ready precision blanks, Atlas Fibre fabricates parts to custom specifications, and can serve as a trusted resource to help you choose the right materials based on your manufacturing needs.

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Connect with Atlas Fibre

Semiconductor manufacturers depend on thermoset plastic composites for their strength, chemical resistance, and reduced weight. Atlas Fibre can work with you to choose the right materials for your projects or semiconductor components. Request a quote or contact us to learn more about your options for thermoset composite materials.

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